Cecilia Kennedy
The Short List:
Short Story Collections (Bold type leads to the publisher site.)
Twenty-Four-Hour Shift: Dark Tales from on and off the Clock. DarkWinter Press, 2023.
The Places We Haunt. Potter's Grove Publishers, 2020. Reprinted by Baxter House Press, DarkWinter Press imprint, 2024.
Sampling of Stories Published in Literary Magazines (Click on the bold type to read the stories.)​
"Photo Shoot with Possessed Bunnies." (in The Other Folk: Articles, Essays, Stories & Poems in Media & Life)​​
"Devil's Urn." (in Free Flash Fiction)
"Field Notes for an Umbrella" (in Meadowlark Review, University of Wyoming)
"Particles" (Nominated for Pushcart Prize & Best Small Fictions Awards in Vast Chasm Literary Magazine)
Books Edited (Bold type leads to the site for each book.)
God is a Tequila Worm by Tim Rousseau, Running Wild Press, 2024.
The Harvest by Diego Rauda, Running Wild Press, 2024.
Shadowland by Phillip Hampton, Running Wild Press, 2023.
Detached by Alisa Burris, Running Wild Press, 2022.
Morlocks in the Basement by Carolyn Colburn, Running Wild Press, 2022.
Delirium's Muse by Michaël Wertenberg, Running Wild Press, 2022.
Editorial Reviewer for Writing Manuals & Collections (Name Appears in Credits)
Bedford/St. Martin: Holly Bauer, Food Matters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader, 2nd ed., 2017.
Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper, and Alison M. Warriner, Reading Critically, Writing Well, 10th ed., 2014.
W.W. Norton: Richard Bullock, Maureen Daly Goggin, and Francine Weinberg, The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings and Handbook, 4th ed., 2016.
Cengage: John Mauk and John Metz, Inventing Arguments, 2nd ed., 2009 and 3rd ed., 2013.
McGraw Hill: Rebecca Moore Howard Writing Matters, 1st ed., 2009; 2nd ed., 2012; and 3rd ed., 2016.
Academic Works
Sitios: A Community-Inspired Approach to Spanish, 1st ed., Kendall Hunt, 2012. (Ksenia Bonch Reeves, co-author).
Academic Articles:
“Relationship of the Bride and Bereaved: A Trilogy for Contemporary Performance of Works by Gil Vicente and Lucas Fernández.” Hispanófila, no. 144, 2005, pp. 1-16. (Cheryl Folkins McGinniss and Charlotte Walters McGinniss, co-authors).
“Legitimando lo imaginado: dimensiones ocultas de las leyendas de San Ginés de Pedro de Rivadeneira, S. J. (1599) y de lo fingido verdadero de Lope de Vega.” El texto puesto en escena, edited by Bárbara Mujica and Anita K. Stoll, Tamesis, 2000, pp. 104-112.
Long List of Published & Anthologized Stories:
Anthologized Stories in the Horror/Speculative Fiction Genre
"Soul Grinder." Don't Break the Oath, edited by Jill Girardi and Janine Pipe, Kandisha Press, October 31, 2021.
"The Globe." Blood and Bone: An Anthology of Body Horror by Women and Non-Binary Writers, edited by A. R. Ward, Ghost Orchid Press, September 22, 2021. pp. 147-151.
"Toxic." Handmade Horror Stories, edited by M. M. MacLeod. Frost Zone Press, September 2, 2021. pp. 116-120.
"Double the Sugar." Best of 2020: Potato Soup Journal, edited by Julie Howard and Chandra Mayer, June 2021.
"The Cake Box." Atomic Flyswatter Vol. 1, edited by Todd Crawford and Maureen Crowley, December 2020, pp. 17-20.
"The Guacamole and Frosé Party." Atomic Flyswatter Vol. 1, edited by Todd Crawford and Maureen Crowley, December 2020, pp. 21-24.
"The Breadbox." The Monsters We Forgot: Volume 3, edited by Gabriel Grobler and R. C. Bowman. Soteira Press, 2019, pp. 151-164.
"Pretty Pink Flowers." Coffin Bell: An Anthology of Dark Literature, edited by Tamara Burros Grisanti. Coffin Bell Media LLC, 2019, pp. 10-14.
"Teacher Training Video." Natural Light: 2018 Poetry & Flash Fiction Collection Anthology. Janet Kuypers, Editor. Scars Publications and Design. Nov. 13, 2018, pp. 275-277. AND: Windows of Remembrance: Down in the Dirt Issue Collection Anthology Book May-August 2018. Janet Kuypers, Editor. Scars Publications and Design. Oct. 6, 2018, pp. 194-196.
Short Stories of Fiction​​
"Housekeeping." Everscribe, issue 3, Dec. 1, 2024.
"Bones to Pick." Rusty Truck, Nov. 13, 2024.
"Things I Remember When I Found a Lizard in Jane's Hair in High School." miniMAG, issue 115, September 13, 2024, p. 2.
"Discoveries at the Bottom of a Ball Pit, Written on a Child's Birthday Party Invitation." Panoplyzine, issue 26, January 12, 2024.
"In the Concrete." Curio Cabinet, issue III: Paradise, October 20, 2023, p. 23.
"Funeral Planning." Yuzu Press, issue 5, August 6, 2023.
"In the Sink." Recesses Zine, issue 1, August 8, 2023.
"To Hold Water." Bulb Culture Collective, reprint, May 9, 2023.
"Particles." Vast Chasm Literary Magazine, issue 5, January 14, 2023.
"Regurgitation." Bright Flash Literary Review, January 3, 2023.
"The Secret Life of Dance Shoes." Roi Fainéant, May 15, 2022.
"Remote Team Uses Text-Based Chat for Unity and Cohesion." Bullshit Literary Magazine, May 4, 2022.
"Waiting." Corporeal Literary Magazine, April 7, 2022.
"Couch Surfing." Paragraph Planet, April 1, 2022.
"Glass." Potato Soup Journal, March 30, 2022.
"To Hold Water." Evoke Literary Magazine, issue 1, March 1, 2022. (Available upon request.)
"Shoe Rack." Seafront Press, issue 1, December 26, 2021, p. 26.
"Sign Seeker." Pigeon Review, October 15, 2021.
"The Go Between." Anser Journal, May 30, 2021. (Available upon request.)
"Guitar Girl." Idle Ink, May 1, 2021.
"That Time When Suze Tested Her Latest Invention at a Party." Sledgehammer Literary Magazine, April 17, 2021.
"Faithful Fan." Dwelling Literary Magazine, edited by Elizabeth K. Bates, February 2021, pp. 32-33.
"Hack for Saving Images." 3Moon Magazine, Issue 6, January 31, 2021, pp. 36-37.
"Salud." Safe & Sound Press, September 30, 2020. (Available upon request.)
"The Smutty Book-Club." The Daily Drunk, June 24, 2020. (Available upon request.)
Short Stories in the Horror/Speculative Fiction Genre
"Baby Bump." Flash Phantoms, Feb. 1, 2025.
"Photo Album for a Ghost." Short-Story.me, Jan. 28, 2025.
"About Your Possessed Fuzzball Robotic Pet." Expat Press, Jan. 15, 2025.
"Second Skin." DarkWinter Literary Magazine, Jan. 2, 2025.
"Vintage Vows." Tiny Frights, vol 3, no 2, Oct. 31, 2024.
"Final Girl Wannabe." Tiny Frights, vol. 3, no. 2, Oct. 31, 2024.
"Zombie Synchronized Swimming FAQs." The Spotlong Review, Oct. 18, 2024.
"What the Trees Won't Hide." Suddenly, and Without Warning, Oct. 17, 2024.
"Rumors About the Bride, Written on a Wedding Invitation." Hearth & Coffin, issue 4, Oct. 1, 2024.
"The Haunted Tiara." Free Flash Fiction, September 3, 2024.
"Secret Menu." Paragraph Planet, August 24, 2024. (Temporary link is up/waiting for the permanent link.)
"Marcy Stevens Sends a Stool Sample." Underbelly Press, August 16, 2024.
"Kiss the Phrogger." Suddenly and Without Warning, June 21, 2024.
"Arachnid-Eggplant Attack at Taco Cart During the Aurora Borealis." Pulp Literary Magazine, issue 1, June 3, 2024.
"Planet Seakite's Marketing Plan." The Dome, May 29, 2024.
"Shadow Eater." The Dome, April 3, 2024.
"Move-In Day." Microfiction Monday, February 12, 2024.
"The Weekend Shift." 365 Tomorrows, January 13, 2024.
"Corporate Announcement Regarding the Monster in the Stairwell." Witcraft Literary Magazine, January 11, 2024.
"Makeup." Across the Margin, January 3, 2024.
"The Smell of Success." AntipodeanSF, issue 3, January 1, 2024.
"Monster in the Stairwell at Work." Roi Fainéant, December 26, 2023.
"The Mothman's Bride." Roi Fainéant, December 26, 2023.
"At the Doctor's Office, They Ask About My Diet." Inside Voice, Issue 4, December 20, 2023, p. 5
"Confessions Party Game." Alice Says... Issue 5, November 30, 2023, pp. 68-70.
"All the Rest." Free Flash Fiction Online, November 15, 2023.
"Malevalentia Herbicia." Tiny Frights, vol. 2, no. 2, October 31, 2023. p. 43.
"Eyesores." The Minison Project, issue 6, October 31, 2023, pp. 42-44.
"Strange Love." (Hybrid Poem.) Cream Scene Carnival Literary Magazine, October 29, 2023.
"Teacher's Pet." Working Title. Oct. 17, 2023.
"Bottled." Cutleaf Journal, September 28, 2023.
"Zombie Flakes Cereal for When the World Ends, but You Must Keep Going." miniMAG Literature Magazine, issue 62, Sept. 7, 2023, p. 11.
"Gravity." The Amazine, July 21, 2023.
"Zombie Disposal User's Manual." All Existing Literary Magazine, issue 1, June 20, 2023.
"The Last Guest to Leave." All Existing Literary Magazine, issue 1, June 20, 2023.
"Home Repairs." Twin Bird Review, issue 1.1, June 6, 2023.
"Moth Stomach." Crab Apple Literary. vol. 2 no. 1, May 26, 2023.
"Growth Spurt." Nebulous Magazine. May 6, 2023.
"Welcoming Committee." Tiny Frights. vol. 2. no. 1, April 30, 2023.
"The Pleasure of Your Company, and Babies, Requested for a Celebrations of a Union of Our Marriage." Hidden Peak Press, April 28, 2023.
"The Secret Ingredient." Yellow Mama, issue #97, April 12, 2023.
"Sweet Nothings." Hearth & Coffin, vol. 3, "Consume," March 27, 2023.
"Sunset Point." Jake Magazine, March 9, 2023.
"Holiday Office Ambiance Channel." Sad Goose Cooperative, February 28, 2023, pp. 26-29.
"Search Party." Free Flash Fiction, January 18, 2023.
"Field Notes for an Umbrella." Meadowlark Review, University of Wyoming, Issue 2, December 1, 2022.
"The Sand Dollar's Final Words." Trigger Warning: Short Fiction with Pictures, (Story illustrated by John Skewes), October 31, 2022.
"When the Lights Flickered." The Hallowzine, issue 3, October 31, 2022, p. 55.
"The Ghost Hunter Next Door." The Daily Drunk Literary Magazine, Final Girl Bulletin Board Zine, October 26, 2022.
"Bridal Chair." Moonflake Press, no. 4, "Homecoming," October 13, 2022. p. 4.
"Spring Thaw." Door is a Jar, no. 3, September 2, 2022, pp. 46-48.
"Secret Sauce." Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine, "Company Policy," August 27, 2022, pp.112-117.
"Fishing Lines." For Page and Screen, no. 2, August 18, 2022.
"Plaster." DarkWinter Literary Magazine, edited by Suzanne Craig-Whytock, August 15, 2022.
"Lengthy Footnote Covering Unusual Disturbances at the Township Council Meeting, County Ledger Entry No. 205599428a." Jake Magazine, June 30, 2022.
"Aunt Bettie Finds Her Forever Home." Trembling with Fear, June 26, 2022.
"Along the Lines of Improv." The Writing Disorder, June 19, 2022.
"Energy Immortal: The Shape of Fabric Through the Window." A Thin Slice of Anxiety, June 9, 2022.
"My Road Trip with Rumphous." Jake Magazine, June 9, 2022.
"Flower Blog." Coffin Bell: A Journal of Dark Literature, vol. 5, no. 2, June 1, 2022.
"Magic Beans." DarkWinter Literary Magazine, edited by Suzanne Craig-Whytock, May 22, 2022.
"Blitzer Automatic Juicer." DarkWinter literary Magazine, edited by Suzanne Craig-Whytock, May 22, 2022.
"Like Moths to a Flame." The Chamber Literary Magazine, May 6, 2022.
"Dirt Storm." Impractical Things Magazine, April 27, 2022.
"Re-Sourceful." Pyre, April 14, 2022.
"Neighborhood Starfish Collector." Bombfire Literary Magazine, January 29, 2022.
"Worms." Horla, January 6, 2022. (Available upon request.)
"Underground Tour." A Thin Slice of Anxiety, December 14, 2021.
"Megalodon Parenting Method." The Hallowzine, issue 2, October 30, 2021, pp. 172-174.
"Forbidden Playthings." Sirens Call EZine, issue 55, October 28, 2021, p. 19.
"The Manuscript Room." Fiery Scribe Review, issue 1, October 18, 2021, pp. 63-65.
"Guarding the Koi Pond." Yellow Mama, issue 88, October 13, 2021. (Available upon request.)
"Devil's Urn." Free Flash Fiction, October 4, 2021.
"The Last Box." Coffin Bell: A Journal of Dark Literature, vol. 4, no. 4., October 1, 2021.
"The Blazer Committee." Idle Ink, October 1, 2021.
"Manifestations: An Experimental Study." Hearth & Coffin Literary Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, September 27, 2021.
"Photo Shoot with Possessed Bunnies." The Other Folk: Fables for the Dying, September 12, 2021.
"Offshoots." The Chamber Magazine, August 27, 2021.
"Muzak." Tiny Molecules, issue 9, June 21, 2021.
"Appointment Reminder." Timber Ghost Press, LLC, 14 June 2021.
"Stray Hairs." Streetcake Magazine, issue 73, part 2, June 14, 2021, pp. 6-7.
"Family Connections." Horla, June 3, 2021. (Available upon request.)
"Dead-End Job." The Chamber Magazine, May 21, 2021.
"Gender Reveal." Frost Zone Zine, issue 4, May 21, 2021.
"Between the Scalloped Edges." Wrongdoing Magazine, May 15, 2021, pp. 219-221.
"The Sound Monster." Not Deer Magazine, April 10, 2021.
"Blue Lines." Speculate This, issue 3, March 2, 2021, pp. 16-17.
"Séance at the Wax Museum." Wretched Creations Magazine, issue 1.3, March 1, 2021.
"Lake 22." Goat's Milk Magazine, Issue 6, February 1 2021, pp. 4-12.
"The Woman in the Trees." Tether's End Magazine, Issue 1, February 1, 2021, p. 23.
"The Honey Melt Baking Mix Chat Room." Wretched Creations Magazine, Issue 1.2, February 1, 2021.
"The Change." Final Cut Zine, edited by Grace Lee Evans, issue 1, October 30, 2020.
"The Twisty Board." Your Dream Journal, October 6, 2020.
"Double the Sugar." Potato Soup Journal, July 21, 2020.
"The Dishwasher." The Daily Drunk, July 10, 2020. (Available upon request.)
"Night Walks During Quarantine," Spillwords, July 4, 2020.
"The Treadmill," The Sirens Call eZine, edited by Lee Forman, Gloria Bobrowicz, Erin Lydia Prime, and Nina D'Arcangela, issue 50, June 2020, pp. 229-231.
"The UMAMI Museum Field Trip." The Writing Disorder, edited by C. E. Lukather, Spring 2020.
"The Wind Up Key." Defenestrationism, Defenestrationism.net, 2020, Jan. 26.
"Table 42." Living Paranormal Magazine, edited by Helena King, Alex King, Ryan Jones, and Joseph Swiger, no. 14, Oct. 4, 2019, pp. 85-90. (Available upon request.)
"Screaming Into Bowls." Whatever Keeps the Lights On, edited by Jessalyn Johnson and Taylor Sue Leohhardt, no. 3,
Sept. 26, 2019.
"Gray Yogurt." The Writing Disorder, edited by C. E. Lukather, Fall 2019.
"The Disgusting Food Museum." The Macabre Museum Online Gallery, edited by R. R. Trevino and Emma Johnson-Rivard, Aug. 8, 2019. (Available upon request.)
"The Barracuda in the Pool." Flash Fiction Magazine, Aug. 5, 2019.
"Classroom Experiment." Mad Scientist Journal, edited by Dawn Vogel and Jeremy Zimmerman, June 2019, pp. 139-147. (Available upon request.)
"The Fireworks Wars." The Sirens Call eZine, edited by Lee Forman, Gloria Bobrowicz, Erin Lydia Prime, and Nina D'Arcangela, issue 45, June 2019, pp. 102-104.
"The Neighbors' Things." The Sirens Call ezine, edited by Lee Forman, Gloria Bobrowicz, Erin Lydia Prime, and Nina D' Arcangela,
issue 43, February 2019, pp. 133-135.
"The Fish in the Bowl Grows a Bubble." Headway Quarterly, no. 3, Jan. 15, 2019.
"Stella's Shoes." The Siren's Call eZine, edited by Lee Forman, Gloria Bobrowicz, Erin Lydia Prime, and Nina D'Arcangela, issue 42, December 2018, pp. 76-78.
"On the Downbeat." Maudlin House Literary Magazine, Nov 25, 2018.
"Exposure Therapy." Open Minds Quarterly: Explorations of Life in a Mad World, edited by Ella Myers, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall 2018. pp. 24-26.
"The Fires that Burn Near Sapphire Lake." The Sirens Call eZine, edited by Lee Forman, Gloria Bobrowicz, Erin Lydia Prime, and Nina D'Arcangela, issue 40, August 2018.
"Ab Machine Belt Device: A Customer's First-Hand Account," Soft Cartel, by Softcartel.com, May 12, 2018. (Available upon request.)
"How the Blueberries Grow," Coffin Bell: A Journal of Dark Literature, edited by Tamara Burross Gisanti and Sarah V. Parson, vol. 1, no. 2, April 1, 2018.
"Molecular Bonds," Theme of Absence: An Online Magazine of Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction, edited by Jason Bougger, March 9, 2018.
"Haunted Water Aerobics." Gathering Storm Literary Magazine: Collected Tales of the Dark, the Light, and Everything in Between, edited by Michael McHenry, vol. 1, no. 3, June 2017, pp. 26-31.
"Hello." Theme of Absence: An Online Magazine of Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction, edited by Jason Bougger, April 7, 2017.
Creative Nonfiction Pieces/Articles​
"J-Blob Space Alien Applies for Head of Advertising." R U Joking? (Rowan University), Dec 6, 2024.
Foreword for Fringes of Grey by Lene MacLeod. pp. 1-3, DarkWinter Press, October, 2024.
"Employee Newsletter: Train Like a Yodeler and Fit in Fiber Fun." R U Joking (Rowan University), March 29, 2024.
"Sad Salad of Suffering Tasting Menu 'About Page' on Restaurant Haute Heaux's Website." Defenestration, December 27, 2023.
"WiHM 2023: Women Writers Shaping the Future of Horror." Horror Tree, March 17, 2023.
"Post Pregnancy Examination (Short Form)." Abandon Journal, no. 3, September 1, 2022.
"Make Your Stuff Sizzle: Punch Up Your Neighborhood 'For Sale' Social Media Posts with Product Descriptions that are Fire." The Haven, March 5, 2022.
"Halloween Haunts: Halloween Memories in the Basement." Horror Writers Association (blog), 2021, October 8.
"Academia: The Board Game." Rejection Letters, April 23, 2021.
"Things I Would Have Done to Get My Son Into College, Had There Not Been an Intervention." Little Old Lady Comedy, April 15, 2021.
"When Your Child Brings Home a Wig from the Arts Supplies Closet at School." Riot Act Magazine, issue 2, December 18, 2020. (Available upon request.)
"Masks of Industry." Silver Birch Press (blog), edited by Melanie Villines, 2020, May 24.
"How to Read in Bed." Little Old Lady Comedy, September 4, 2020.
"The Massage." The Haven, edited by Page Barnes, April 12, 2019.
"Surviving the Underpants Recession of 2016." HeadStuff, June 4, 2018.